Friday, April 6, 2012

4) Modern Day homosexual 1992-2012 (Summary and Conclusion)

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                                           Modern Day homosexual 1992-2012 (Era of money)

Author: As the 80's faded and 1990's became "Homo art" and gay artists tuck a back seat . From 1992 onwards gay art has taken on very much a "Unknown " states and onces again is done "Underground". The importance of gay art no longer takes centre stage .And is very much community and country specific. Why is this ? There are a few reasons, culture,political,economic change and the birth of the internet . It seems that people now express themselves in different ways. Rather then making a work of art , they put there view on blogs or facebook in written formate .Art no long has the focus of the world. Gay art being a very culture sensitive and specialist media it was the first to go underground . In recent year the art word has been criticised for being "only for artists".I believe this is due to the age of MONEY . It seems the greater world do's not care for the meanings or history of art, but rather where the next payday is. With the modern family spending there time on facebook and watching TV shoes that capture what art used to. Art as a hole has lost its hold . Art is relevant only to the artists that makes it and the institutions they belong to .


                                                                 Dana Wyse


                                                            Diego Tolomelli


                                         Joe Average ( reaction to being told he has HIV)


                                                          Robert Mapplethrope

Author:Dana,Diego,Joe,Robert area few artists that are the gay art legacy of the modern era .The foces is no longer about colour and statements as it was in the 60's,70's, or 80's. Rather then making a statement it is no longer about making a statement using art but of political and monetary values. For the freedom of acceptance we have paid a heavy price by for going and for getting about the art that got us here in the first place. The gay youth of today only respect there right for individualism in that they believe that it is owed to them .

                                                     (Summary and Conclusion)

Sexuality and colour  are they linked to each other ...yes they are . I think it is not a simply case of "Yes" . As I have talked about it has its bases in many different elements of humanity,culture, historical elements,political elements . Art is embedded
 in everything that is human as is colour in every homosexual person born today . There are no scientific studies to prove the attraction of colour and homsexuality .So on a scientific level it would be wrong for me to suggest that colour is just something we feel. However it would be ignore what so many hold in there harts . Colour is to gay people as the white dove is to peace .Freedom, hope, the ability to see the world in the way many can not.Colour the freedom of expression.

(1)Rebecca Container Gallery ,2012,Dana Wyse [Online] Avaliable at :

(2)Iko Studio,2012,Diego Tolomelli[Online] Avaliable at:

(3)Joe Average Art,2012,Joe Average Bio.[Online] Avaliable at:

(4)Robert Mapplethrope,2012,Robert Mapplethrope Bio:[Online] Avaliable at :

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