Saturday, April 14, 2012



Page.1 Introduction

(1)Revel & Riot,2011.Abrief History of Gay Art and Symbolisam .[Online] Avaliable at.http//www.

(1)Halperin, David M. “Homosexuality.” The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization. Ed. Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth. Oxford University Press, 1998. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. York University. 5 October 2010.
(1)Shapiro, Harvey Alan. 2007 The Cambridge Companion to Anchaic Greece. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2 (. pp. 90 – 91.)

(1)Shapiro, Harvey Alan.2007 The Cambridge Companion to Anchaic Greece. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, (. pp. 90 – 91.)

(2)Reed.C,2011.Art and Homosexuality A History of Ideas .Oxford.Oxford University Press( Varieties of "homosexuality" Varieties of "Art" pp.15.)

(3)Reed.C,2011.Art and Homosexuality A History of Ideas .Oxford.Oxford University Press( Varieties of "homosexuality" Varieties of "Art" pp.16.)

(4)Reed.C,2011.Art and Homosexuality A History of Ideas .Oxford.Oxford University Press( Varieties of "homosexuality" Varieties of "Art" pp.18.)

(4)Hornblower S. and Spawforth A. Oxford Classical Dictionary entry on homosexuality,Oxford,Oxford UniversityPress (p.720–723)

(5)Martial 1.24 and 12.42; Juvenal 2.117–42. Williams, Roman Homosexuality, pp. 28, 280; Karen K. Hersh, The Roman Wedding: Ritual and Meaning in Antiquity (Cambridge University Press, 2010), p. 36; Caroline Vout, Power and Eroticism in Imperial Rome (Cambridge University Press, 2007), pp. 151ff.

(6))Richlin A, 1993 "Not before Homosexuality", California ,University of Southern California Press in junction with The University of Chicago ( p. 561.)

Page.2 Free Lover 1960-1979

(1)Lavergne .M.G,1997,Sniper in the Tower,Texas.University of North Texas Press.

(2) Copping R,2011,VW Camper and Microbus,London,Shire Liberty.

(2) Nair.T,2011Psychedelic Art Movement [Online]: Available at:

(2)Krippiwr.S,1977,International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, San Fmncisco ,Humanistic Psychology Institute

(3)Revel & Riot,2011.Abrief History of Gay Art and Symbolisam.[Online] Avaliable at.http//www.

(3)Revel & Riot,2011.Abrief History of Gay Art and Symbolisam.[Online] Avaliable at.http//www.

(4)Peter Mac,2012,Peter Max Bio.[Online]Avaliable at:

(5)FOTW Flags Of The World,2009,Gay Pride/Rainbow Flag.[online] Avaliable:

(5)FOTW Flags Of The World,2009,Gay Pride/Rainbow Flag.[online] Avaliable:

(5)Revel & Riot,2011.Abrief History of Gay Art and Symbolisam.[Online] Avaliable at.http//www.
(5)Heinz B, Gu L, Inuzuka A. and Zender R,2002,Bowling Green, Human Sciences Press .

(5)Public Radio International,2012,Studio 360 Redesign:Gay Flag.[Online] Avaliable at:

(5)Worldstudio,2009,Rainbow for PRI's Studio.[Online] Avaliable at:

Page.3 The Aids Decade 1982-92

(1)Angels in America.2003,Film Mike Nichols,America,HBO Home Video.

(2)Robert Lance Gösi Art,2012,Homos-Sexuality.[Online]Available at:

(3)Tate Modern,2010.Gilbert & George Hunger.[online]Available at:

(4)Tate Modern,2010.Gilbert & George Thirst.[online]Available at:

(4)Milwaukee Art Museum,2008,Gilbert & George development.[online]Available at:

(5)Revel & Riot,2011.Abrief History of Gay Art and Symbolisam.[Online] Avaliable at.http//www.

(6)Revel & Riot,2011.Abrief History of Gay Art and Symbolisam.[Online] Avaliable at.http//www.

(6)Revel & Riot,2011.Abrief History of Gay Art and Symbolisam.[Online] Avaliable at.http//www.

(6)The Keith Haring Foundation,1997-2012,K.Haring.[Online]Avaliable at:

(7)Revel & Riot,2011.Abrief History of Gay Art and Symbolisam .[Online] Avaliable at.http//www.

(7)Reed.C,2011.Art and Homosexuality A History of Ideas .Oxford.Oxford University Press( The Aids Decade,1982-92 "Art" pp.218-119)

(7)Laura Slezak Karas ,2008,Gran Fury Collection ,Pdf,The New York Public Library
Humanities and Social Sciences Library Manuscripts and Archives Division .[Online]Avaliable at:

Page.4 Modern Day homosexual 1992-2012 (Summary and Conclusion)

(1)Rebecca Container Gallery ,2012,Dana Wyse [Online] Avaliable at :

(2)Iko Studio,2012,Diego Tolomelli[Online] Avaliable at:

(3)Joe Average Art,2012,Joe Average Bio.[Online] Avaliable at:

(4)Robert Mapplethrope,2012,Robert Mapplethrope Bio:[Online] Avaliable at :

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